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I'm Nervous About My Ingrown Toenail Surgery: What Can I Expect?

I'm Nervous About My Ingrown Toenail Surgery: What Can I Expect?

An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of your toenail grows into your surrounding skin, and while minor ingrown nails may respond well to at-home treatments, recurrent ingrown nails are nothing short of annoying.

If you’re struggling with an ingrown nail, our podiatric surgeons at Manhattan Podiatry Associates, PC, may recommend ingrown toenail surgery, conveniently performed here in our Midtown or Downtown Manhattan offices. 

Here’s what you can expect from your upcoming surgery.

When to consider surgery for ingrown nails

You should consider surgery if you have:

It’s normal to feel a little jittery before any surgery — ingrown nail surgery included — but it’s important to remember why you started on the journey. Ingrown nail surgery helps you find relief from persistent pain and recurrent infections. Focus on all of these benefits of your upcoming surgery!

What to expect during ingrown nail surgery

In addition to focusing on your “why,” learning more about your procedure can also help you feel less nervous. 

The surgery usually involves:

Local anesthetic 

Before starting the procedure, your Manhattan Podiatry Associates provider first numbs the area around your toenail so you don't feel any pain. 

Nail removal

Your provider removes the edge of your nail that's growing into your skin. In severe cases, your entire toenail might be removed. This is described as either a partial or full nail removal. 


To prevent your nail from growing back, your provider might remove or destroy part of your nail matrix (the tissue under your nail).

Infection control

If you have any areas of infection, you might need to have the area drained. You may also receive antibiotics if necessary to clear any infections. 

What to expect after your surgery

After your surgery, you need to:

You can expect to recover within a few weeks, though full healing might take longer. 

Benefits of surgery for ingrown nails

Ingrown nail surgery helps you find relief from recurrent ingrown nails. Not only is the reprieve from pain a welcome advantage of surgery, but surgery also helps prevent future recurrences. 

Staying calm during ingrown nail surgery

As with any procedure, there are strategies you can take to help ease your anxiety. Asking questions can help the fear of the unknown, but that’s just one strategy. 

Before (and during) your procedure, focus on your breathing. Deep breathing can help reduce your stress and shift your body out of flight-or-fight mode. Try square breathing — a type of deep breathing where you inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, and hold for a count of four. 

In addition to deep breathing, you may also find visualization helpful. There are many ways to use visualization to help reduce anxiety. During your procedure, you might:

If you have additional questions about your upcoming surgery, we’re happy to answer them. Sometimes just talking about your concerns is enough to help combat fears. Schedule your appointment at either of our locations today.

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